Friday, June 15, 2007

Buffy Night: Is She Really Going Out with Him? July 12, 9:15

We will start the evening off with the sing-a-long "Once More with Feeling" and then enjoy a double feature of "Something Blue" and "Intervention." Both episodes have the Scoobies confused (and revolted) when they think Buffy is going out with Spike... but is she?

And don't forget to study up on Spike and Buffy and show up early for the very Spuffy trivia test and BUFFY BINGO!!!. There will be free admission tickets from the theater and comicky goodness from Stand Up Comics for the winners.

Spike 'n' Buffy 4- Evah!

*** Post show notes***

Thanks everyone who came and participated. Special thanks to Laurie who made the awesome Buffy Bingo Cards. It was great seeing everyone talking to their neighbors. Thanks also to Naomi who organized a pre-show gathering in the cafe. There is a link to the Meet-up group in the right hand side of the blog (below the sing-along video). If you want to find out about pre show gatherings in the future, go sign up.

If you have any ideas for episodes you'd like to see, pre show activities you'd enjoy something you liked or didn't like at any of the shows or any thing else you want to say, please leave a comment here on the blog.

Spuffy Trivia

Well I got the difficulty level about right. Nobody got all of them right but a lot of people got most of them right. Only problem was the 6 way tie of folks who got 8 out of 10. Next time I'll have tie breaker quizes ready and waiting for you uber-geeks.

Here are the answers for the rest of you:

Match the episode with the Spuffy 1st

First time they met c) School Hard
First time they teamed up j) Becoming
First time they kissed h) Something Blue
First time,you know... did *it* i) Smashed
First time Buffy told Spike "I Love You" e) Chosen

What is Spike's favorite soap opera? Passions

What song did Buffy want played at their wedding? "Wind Beneath my Wings"

Who does Spike offer to kill to prove his love for Buffy? Drusilla

Who is the first Scooby to find out that Buffy is sleeping with Spike? Tara

Which of the following does Spike NOT call Buffy:

a creature of the darkness
a hell of a woman
***a busy little beaver*** Faith called her this (nobody got this one right)
a tease
Little Rebecca of Sunnyhell Farm
Slutty the Vampire Slayer
Kitty, Kitty


Anonymous said...

oh my god! how did i miss this!? when will this episode play again on the big screen!?

Laura D said...

Keep checking this blog and you won't miss another great episode. The schedule is posted on the right hand side of the blog.
We show the musical "Once More with Feeling" every Buffy night (usually every other month, though twice in a row in September and October.)
With so many great episodes to choose from it will probably be a while before we show either "Something Blue" or "Intervention" again but never fear, Spike will be back in September in "School Hard" (with Drusilla too!)
and since I'm a big fan of Captain Peroxide so there will be lots of Spikey goodness at the Cerrito in your future.